Building Construction Design-Technology & Materials

Course Code:



7th Semester

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:




Course Tutors

Tousi Evgenia


Building Construction focuses on the study and design of the construction elements and details of the buildings, so that they are functional and provide the required level of quality and safety during their construction phases and then during their use. After the successful completion of the course, students are expected to:

  • know the general principles of construction and to understand how they can contribute to the projects that topographic engineers have the right to implement.
  • Understand the construction phases of a building project.
  • Understand the function of the load-bearing structure and the individual components of a building project.
  • know the properties and possible combinations of basic building materials.
  • evaluate and select the best building materials, within the framework of architectural and construction needs


General Competences

  • Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technology
  • Decision making
  • Autonomous and team work
  • Project design and management
  • Respect for the natural environment
  • Promoting free, creative and inductive thinking



Theoretical part of the Course

  1. Introduction to the object of building construction into the historical perspective.
  2. Building construction’s site elements and organization: demolition, excavations, scaffolding. Excavation diagram.
  3. Excavations and foundation: waterproofing, drainage.
  4. Structural design. Bearing and non bearing elements
  5. Masonry: types and materials of masonry construction according to the needs of thermal insulation, waterproofing and sound insulation. Interior and exterior masonry. Coatings and claddings. Types and materials of coating and cladding: marble, tile, wood, etc.
  6. Thermal insulation, waterproofing and sound insulation.
  7. Terraces and roofs: Thermal insulation and waterproofing. Formation of drains for water runoff.
  8. Doors and windows: Internal and external. Types and materials. Selection Criteria.
  9. Floors: The types and materials of floor construction. Interior and exterior floors. Elevations for floor construction. Exterior floor drainage solutions.
  10. Staircases: The types and materials of construction. Geometric staircase design.
  11. Reinforced concrete and its applications.
  12. Steel, and other metals. Wood as a building material, applications.
  13. Other technical materials and their applications in construction.
  14. Solving construction problems. Preparation of a technical report.


Lab Part of the Course
Detailed design of a small scale residential building


Language of evaluation: Greek
Methods of evaluation:
• Design work (20%)
• Oral exams (20%)
• Detailed Design (project) (60%)



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