Error Theory & Adjustment of Observations II

Course Code:



7th Semester

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:




Course Tutors

Kaselimi Maria


Upon successful completion of the course, the student:

  • will be able to distinguish and categorize the basic methods of observations adjustment,
  • will have understood parameter estimation methods with emphasis on practical problems,
  • will have the ability to analyze the data of each problem based on them to apply the appropriate adjustment method and to interpret and evaluate the results,
  • will be able to develop methods of analysis of specialized algorithms for optimal data processing in Geosciences,
  • will have the ability develop algorithms for adjustment methods.


General Competences

  • Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies
  • Decision making
  • Working independently
  • Working in an interdisciplinary environment
  • Develop of new research ideas
  • Promoting free, creative and inductive thinking



Data analysis and observations adjustment, main features of adjustments methods, alternative adjustment methods, the method of observation equations, examples, accuracy of adjustment results, special cases of observation equations, the concept of rank defect to solve problems, constraints (minimum, redundant, internal constraints), adjustment in sequence stages, adjustment with pre-existing information on unknown parameters, method of condition equations, examples, method of mixed equations, mixed equations with commitments, examples, comparison , statistical testing and evaluation of adjustment results, statistical hypotheses, general hypothesis, total control and data scanning, interpolation and forecasting, models with stochastic parameters, estimation of variability components.



Language of evaluation: Greek
Method of evaluation:
• Written exams: 70%
• Laboratory exercises/projects: 70%
Written, graded difficulty, problems – exercises



In Greek:
1. Dermanis A. (1987). Observation adjustment and evaluation theory, Vol. 2, ed. Ziti.
2. Dermanis A. & Foriou A. (1992). Methods and applications of observation adjustment, Ed. Ziti


In English:
1. Dermanis A., A. Grun and F. Sanso eds. (2000) Geomatic methods for the analysis of data in the Earth Sciences. Springer.
2. Ghilani C.D. and P.R. Wolf (2006) Adjustment computations and spatial data analysis. John Wiley and Sons.
3. Koch K.R. (1999) Parameter estimation and hypothesis testing in linear models. Springer.
4. Teunissen P.J.G. (2003) Adjustment theory. Series on Mathematical Geodesy and Positioning, Delft, The Netherlands.
5. Teunissen P.J.G. (2000) Testing theory. Series on Mathematical Geodesy and Positioning, Delft, The Netherlands.