Urban Hydraulic Works

Course Code:



4th Semester

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:




Course Tutors

Karalis Sotiris


At the end of the course the students are expected to be in position to:

  1. Have a comprehensive understanding of key principles of fluid mechanics
  2. Be able to use methods and formulas to solve problems involving fundamental fluid mechanics
  3. Be able to deploy mathematical methods for the analysis and design of pipe systems
  4. Be able to estimate water needs for human communities
  5. Know how to read and prepare technical drawings related to water networks.
  6. Prepare technical reports that are well organised and effectively communicate all key information


General Abilities

By the end of the course the student would be able:

  • To analyze and compose given information.
  • To enrich his or her inductive reasoning
  • To work autonomously and in groups



This course investigates fundamental fluid properties and introduces the fundamental principles of static and dynamic fluid mechanics and their applications to solve typical engineering problems. In short, the following concepts are being taught: The Archimedes’s principle, hydrostatic law and forces on submerged bodies, Pascal’s law, Toricelli’s principle, Bernoulli’s law and the conservation of energy. The course covers the design and analysis of pressure pipe networks in more detail. Darcy – Weissbach’s and Hazen-Williams’ formulas are employed. In these engineering problems, inter-connecting pipes, reservoirs and pumps are used to transport fluids, e.g. oil or water, at specified (steady) flow rates and pressures. It also investigates energy losses in pipes as well as in pipe fixtures and fittings (Reynold’s number, Moody’s diagram). The main exercise assignment consists of the use of a mathematical model of pressure flow (two Matlab files) for the investigation of the interplay between discharge, pressure, velocity and losses in pipe flow. The semester’s project consists of the design of a pressure water network for a small municipality together with the necessary drawings.



1. Through quick and simple applications with bonuses
given during the lecture.
2. Weekly exercise assignments/ Main exercise assignment
3. Semester’s Project
4. Final exams



In Greek:
1. ΥΔΡΑΥΛΙΚΗ 2 τόμοι, Daugerty – Franzini. Εκδόσεις Φούντας
2. Στοιχεία Φυσικής Υδρολογίας, G. Hornberger et al. Εκδόσεις ΔΙΣΙΓΜΑ, 2019. Μετάφραση-Επιμέλεια Σ.Η.Καραλής
3. Τερζίδης, Γ.Α., «Μαθήματα Υδραυλικής 2:Κλειστοί Αγωγοί», Εκδόσεις Ζήτη, Θεσσαλονίκη, 1997.
4. Κωτσόπουλος Σ., «Υδρεύσεις», Εκδόσεις Ίων, 2013.

1. International Journal of Hydropower & Dams, Aqua Media International, Ltd.
2. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, IWA Publishing