Spatial Planning And Regional Development

Course Code:



7th Semester

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:




Course Tutors

Lazoglou Miltiadis


The course aims to elaborate on the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development with emphasis on spatial planning. A long-term analysis of institutional developments for spatial planning and regional development at the national and European levels is also carried out. The spatial planning system is examined in relation to the administrative system, and the special categories of areas (mountainous, coastal, etc.) are also examined. An important part of the course focuses on analysing the interconnections between land uses, infrastructure networks, housing networks, protected areas and location of activities. In addition, the objectives, tools and strategies of physical and financial spatial planning concerning the available national and European financial instruments are examined. Through the analysis of these issues, the course aims to familiarise the students with the tools of regional policy and concepts such as the regional problem, regional inequalities, spatial cohesion and regional specialisation. The students are also introduced to Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Marine Spatial Planning approaches.


General Competences

  • Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information, with the use of the necessary technology
  • Adapting to new situations
  • Decision-making
  • Working independently
  • Team work
  • Criticism and self-criticism
  • Production of free, creative and inductive thinking



  1. Introduction: Region, development and spatial planning.
  2. Economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainable development.
  3. Natural and man-made environment. Indicators for measuring spatial phenomena.
  4. Land use/ coverage, infrastructure networks. The housing network and its dynamics. Protected areas
  5. Location of activities.
  6. Integrated regional development. Regional inequalities, convergence, cohesion, regional specialization, integration. The regional problem and the need for regulation-management. Motivation, knowledge, innovation, new technologies. SWOT analysis.
  7. The administrative system of Greece. Spatial planning at different levels. Special categories of areas (mountainous, coastal, border, metropolitan, etc.).
  8. Physical and financial planning: Objectives, Strategies. Financial instruments at Greek and European level.
  9. Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Marine Spatial Planning.
  10. Spatial studies and regional development studies. The role of surveyors/ geoinformatic engineers.
  11. Recent institutional developments concerning spatial planning and regional development in national/ european levels.



Language of evaluation: Greek
– Methods of evaluation:
Written exam at the end of the semester (multiple choice questionnaires, short-answer questions, & problem-solving questions)

– Homework/ Essay (Essay on the theoretical and practical objectives of the course)



1. Atzema O. et al. (eds), ‘Regions, Land, Consumption and Sustainable Growth, Edward Elgar, 2005.
2. European Commission, ‘A new Partnership for Cohesion; Convergence, Competitiveness, Cooperation (3rd report on economic and social cohesion’, European Communities, 2004.
3. European Commission, ‘ESDP, European Spatial Development Perspective’, European Communities, 1999.
4. European Commission, ‘Investing in Europe’s future’ (5th Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion), European Communities, 2010.
5. Hall P. ‘Urban and Regional Planning’. 4th Edition. Routledge. London and New York, 2002.
6. OECD, ‘Towards a New Role for Spatial Planning, OECD Publications, 2001.
7. Petrakos G., Psycharis G., Regional development in Greece, Kritiki Editions, Athens, 2016.
8. Reimer M., Getimis, P., Blotevogel H. ‘Spatial Planning Systems and Practices in Europe. A Comparative Perspective on Continuity and Changes’, (eds), Routledge, New York, 2014.
9. Wassenhoven, L. ‘Maritime Spatial Planning: Europe and Greece’, Crete University Press, 2017.


1. ECTP-CEU (European Council of Spatial Planners – Conseil européen des urbanistes),
2. European Commission / Regional Policy,
3. ESPON, (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion),
4. ISOCARP (International Society of City and Regional Planners),
5. United Nations Development Programme,